LeRoy Barr Jr.
Chairman of the Board, The J.P, Hicks Family Mass Communication Scholarship Fund, Inc.
LeRoy is Secretary and Director of Staff of the United Federation of Teachers, New York City.
Christy DeBoe Hicks
First Vice Chair, The J.P, Hicks Family Mass Communication Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Christy is a Public Relations Consultant in Washington, DC.
José Zenon
Second Vice Chair, The J.P. Hicks Family Mass CommunicatioN Scholarship Fund, Inc.
José is the Chair of the NYA Scholarship Foundation; Supply Chain Management, New York Metropolitan Area.
Sydney Williams
Treasurer, The J.P. Hicks Family Mass Communication Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Sydney is the President of SG Williams Communications, Inc. in Brooklyn, NY.
In Memory of
Jonathan Adewumi
Executive Director, The J.P, Hicks Family Mass Communication Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Jonathan was the President of Homeland Travels and Tours.
Nicolle A. Munroe
Secretary AND Chaplin, The J.P. Hicks Family Mass Communication Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Nicolle is the Assistant Director of Events, Center on Energy Policy at Columbia University and CEO of Nicolle Munroe Designs & Company LLC in New York City.